El primer festival en que ha guanyat Descenso al infierno

Seleccionada i participant a 17 festivals avui ens ha arribar aquest correu:

Freenetworld international film festival 2013 is over with a great success and enjoyment of the audience.
We wish to congratulate you on your film and to tell you that our Jury has made the decision and that your film has won

The best fiction film award on FNW fest 2013.
We wish that you were able to be on this years festival but because  of our low budget we weren't able to cover all the costs for all the filmmakers to come to the festival. We wish you and your films best of luck and hope to see more of your films on our festival.
Your film will be also presented in our project Cinema cafe which will start in Nis, Serbia and all over the world with a tour in December.
Encara no surt a la pàgina web del festival ja que acaba de sortir del forn!





In the dirty west, Verdugo’s band enslaves, tortures and kills all that moves. When
an “Old Man” arrives at the Chapel, and finds all the villagers Killed. And finds the
gang hanged and burned his brother decides to cross the mountains to try to finish
the bastards.
About the Director
Sergi Guibas Arnau was born in 1984 in Castelló d’ Empúries (Girona). From ages 19
to 26 Sergi was a professional athlete before he decided
to study film CECC (Centre d’ Estudis Cinematográfics de Barcelona ). 
As a director, and has directed 5 short films. Sergi has also edited 8 short films.  
LIFMF 2013 thanks Sergi Güibas Arnau


Director: Sergi Guibas Arnau
Time: 14:57 mins

Language: (English subtitles) Spanish
Genre: Short Drama
Country: Spain
Year: 2013


Moab Internacional Film Festival

I'm pleased to inform you that Descenso al Infierno has officially been selected for the 2013 Moab International Film Festival.

Dijous cap a la Inauguració Festival cinema Girona 2013

Dijous ens han convidat a la Inguració del Festival de Cinema de Girona, on entra en concurs el nostre curt Descenso al Infierno, així que ben mudats i més ben acompanyat irem cap allà, us esperem a tots!

Festival de Cinema de Girona


A l'aula Magna de la Casa de cultura
Divendres, 6 de setembre de 2013
15:00 h  Ganxons a Guinea equatorial (56’), d'Anna Vicens - Sant Feliu de Guíxols (D.O.)*
16:00 h  Cromosoma cinco (55’), de Maria Ripoll i Lisa Pram - Barcelona
17:00 h  Marshmallows (4’), d’Andreu Pichardo - Sant Julià de Ramis
Davant la separació (11’), dels alumnes de 6è de l’escola de Bordils
Fugida (8’), d’E. Costa, M. Perxès, M. Pou i E. Samper - Bordils
El precio del silencio (19’), de Xavi Villanueva - Girona
El mundo tan pequeñito (18’) d’Emilia Ruiz - Barcelona
18:00 h Max (11’), de Pere Solés i David Pérez - Girona
Aniversari (12’), d’Anna Petrus - Barcelona
Tornem-hi (6’), de Ferran Carvajal - Barcelona
Missing (13 Pimlico Square) (14’), d’Alex Madia Levi - Londres
La casa de arriba (15’), de Marta Parreño - Barcelona
19:00 h  Culebra. A town called Olot (7’), d’Albert Portal - Olot
Descenso al infierno (19’), de Sergi Güibas Arnau - Castelló d’Empúries
Target (11’), de Xavi Bras i Marc Batllori - Girona